Don't hate me because I'm Honolulu.

I'm a sucker for quizzes. I recently took a quiz called "What Breed of Dog Are You?" even though I am not a dog, have no intentions of ever becoming a dog, and don't even own a dog. (I'm a chihuahua, by the way. Because I'm honest, saucy, and intense. You know, like a chihuahua.)

So naturally I'm addicted to Find Your Spot, which helps you find your perfect home base based on important criteria like weather, culture, and budget. I think my love for excessive heat and big cities, combined with my tolerance for molten lava, is what secured Honolulu as a top spot. Other frontrunners were Charleston, San Bernardino, and Biloxi -- all of which will move up on my list of future travel obsessions, because we're so MFEO.

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