In about 15 minutes, the grass-skirted man of questionable sobriety will ride this Purple People Eater off a pier and plunge into the chilly Baltimore Harbor thirty feet below. As far as free entertainment goes, it really doesn't get much better. Last October's
Flugtag -- a Red Bull-sponsored event in which participants vie for the chance to pilot doomed human-powered flying machines -- was so fantabulous that I briefly considered driving out to Nashville for the June '07 event. (Among other highlights, a family shoved its matriarch off the pier facedown, whereupon she executed the most painful and presumably unintentional belly-flop in history. Woohoo!) But this may be one of those things where you benefit from the element of surprise (and horror, and pity). The ongoing event stops in Austin on August 25th; check
the website for location updates.
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